The neologism * KIMAPSE * invented by us is a contraction of Kima (waves in Greek), Map (Figure of representation) and synapses (connections between the neurons in the brain).
With *KIMAPSE*, we present a synaesthesia of image and sound through the manipulation of vibrational sound frequencies that act directly on the matter. The sound becomes visible and appears in amazing shapes that hint at an underlying organization of matter that surrounds us...
This exhibition features interactive Brains sculptures, Paintings mixed media , LED engraved Maps, photo prints of Sounds (Cymatic), and a unique audio visual performance on the opening day.
We questioned the strange similarity of figures created by the sound vibration in the water and the wrinkled surface of the brain itself which is made of 70% water ( the Earth is also composed of 70% water) .
关于时间压缩 记忆即是时间压缩的产物,我们是生活的记录者。
Exhibited at: Rockbund Museum Shanghai 2013 // Studio Rouge gallery for Art Basel Hong Kong 2013 //
Xucun international Art residency 2013
Exhibited at: Rockbund Museum Shanghai 2013 // Studio Rouge gallery for Art Basel Hong Kong 2013 //
Xucun international Art residency 2013